Sunday 17 July 2011

About UFO's-(1)

This UFO picture was taken hovering over a castle in Germany. Numerous sightings have been reported on this site over the years but it wasn't until this UFO picture was taken that there was evidence.
It is always nice when a UFO isn't just of the UFO in the sky but also shows the scene on the ground. In this UFO picture shot in the 1970's we are lucky enough to see a man on the ground reacting to the UFO spotted in the sky. It must have felt good for the person that took the UFO picture to know that at least one other person saw the UFO he saw in the sky.
UFOs do move fast so it is amazing that many UFO pictures manage to be taken. This slightly blurred UFO picture shows the UFO in movement in the sky. You can almost imagine the speed of the UFO when you realize how much it moved in just the time it took the person taking the UFO picture to take the picture.

Here is another example of a UFO picture taken in Europe. This time it is a UFO picture taken over the Alps in Switzerland. That makes sense when you think about it because it is obvious that a visitor from another planet is going to want to check out the major landmarks on Earth. The Alps certainly classify as a major landmark so it is no wonder a UFO picture would be taken flying over them.

This area in New Mexico is a well know UFO sighting spot so it was only a matter of time before somebody caught a UFO picture from that spot. What we find particularly interesting about this UFO picture is how low the UFO is flying to the ground. Maybe it was taking a picture of the person who was taking the UFO picture!
This is a classic UFO picture from the 1960's. A farmer in Wyoming was out tending his field when he saw a UFO flying over his field. The UFO came back day after day and he knew nobody would believe him. So, one day he brought along his camera and managed to capture this UFO picture. He never noticed any cows missing during the day but was convinced that something funny was going on with them at night. It certainly wouldn't have been the first report of UFOs having an interest in cows.
This is probably the oldest of the UFO pictures we have in our collection. It is reported that this UFO picture is from the 1940's but we aren't exactly sure of the date it was taken. What it does show is that the interest in UFO pictures is nothing new and out parents and grandparents were just as interested in what was above their heads in the sky as we are today.
The interesting thing about this UFO picture is the clear shot of an airplane approaching the UFO in the sky. The person that sent us this UFO picture didn't fully explain what happened when the plane got close to the UFO but we would really love to know the true story behind this UFO picture.
Another example that UFO sightings aren't just limited to North America. This UFO was taken in the forest in Russia when a UFO was reported to crash. We don't know who took the picture or who leaked the picture into the public realm but we are very happy we had the chance to see such an amazing UFO picture.

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